Bark, Bark!
Hallo my fellow furry, feathery, scaly friends! Oh yes, and humans!
I am so glad to have my breath back so that I can share my adventures with you. As I last told you that we were moving from Cape Town to Pretoria. What a difficult time it was for my siblings and me.Miss Mollie
Boxes, boxes and more boxes throughout the house. I did make sure that my box went safely on the truck. Early the morning a huge truck arrived and the human workers packed each item into the truck. I sat next to my toy box, just to make sure that the strong man carried it to the truck. I told him to pack it carefully so that when I came to Pretoria, all my toys will be intact. Poor Mommy, she was exhausted, but I sat next to her just to make her understand that everything is going to be OK.
The next morning came and it was time for us to drive to Pretoria. It was dark and I was still very tired from all the excitement of the previous day.
Mommy packed blankets on the back seat of the car so that we could be warm and comfortable. Before we left, Mommy, my siblings and I said a thank-you prayer to the house spirits for blessing us all the years we stayed there. We asked the house spirits to bless the new family in the home. Mommy asked the Universe to protect us on the road and that the angels guard over us.
Mommy drove for miles and miles, but stopped in-between to rest and fuel up. I slept of course, as I could not play in the car. That would only disturb Mommy while she is driving.

Every time Mommy stopped, she would give us water and snacks, then she would let us read letters from other animals in the park close by. They were strange letters, some were sad, some happy and others spoke of animals moaning about some thing or another.
I was so grateful to be with my mommy and no matter where in the world we went, my mommy was with me. I left a huge letter telling other dogs of my big move from Cape Town. I think whoever reads it, will be happy for me. At times, Mommy would allow me to put my head out the window. It was great to feel the wind in my hair and I felt so free.
We stopped at a guesthouse to sleep over for the night. This was a very nice place and the humans allowed all pets to stay there. Lots of preparation was made for my siblings and me to stay there. I enjoyed the fireplace, as it was very cold that night.
The next morning we had breakfast and I left more letters on the lawn for other dogs that would stay there. I definitely left my mark, as I was very impressed with the lodge, so that other dogs can feel at home there too.
Mommy placed us in the car and we drove further to Pretoria. I curled up in my blanket and went to sleep until the sun shone through the windows. It made me feel nice and warm.
I would continue to tell you the story but Mommy is calling me to help unpack boxes so I will bark to you soon.
Bye-bye for now!

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