Written by Olivia Britz

This morning I woke with an ache in my heart and awareness of all that has been lost this year and I was not sure if I was sad to stay in bed or sad because I had to get out. I was simply sad and heavy…the dreaded feeling which sometimes overcomes me and I wondered what sad article I would write today.

Six hours later I sit and write and this is what I have decided to share. As my day progressed and as I saw what had been put in front of me, it became more and more clear that choosing to be down or sad has somewhat become a habitual pattern. Yet with the help of positivity around me right from doing my nails, to my eyebrows, to a kind voice note, to a well-written article shared by a friend on happiness and to a thoughtful article sent by another…I started to smile.

And I started to choose to be content with this day. I stopped worrying about money. And focused on my beautiful children and my good health. I started to see that I could make my life worth it and I could and would choose to be content with this day.

Thursday 16th December.
We are all going through different things and this year – 2021 – has been a hard year for our family. We have had tragic losses, not just one, but more and all these losses have been close to our hearts and changed our lives forever. The losses have included our beautiful 21-year-old nephew and cousin who took his life on 14th February 2021, a loss from which we will never recover nor heal. The loss of this beautiful boy will simply become part of who we are.

Yet I will smile because I can and I will be grateful because I must. We have this moment and our life is this moment here and now. I will take the lessons of 2021 and I will embrace those close to me and hold them dear each second we spend together. Less time on my phone. More time listening. More time in the presence of whoever I am spending time with at any given place. Less time worrying about money. More time letting go, praying and letting God. I cannot carry it all on my own.

I will savour my peace. I will embrace those times when I am genuinely happy and content and filled with JOY and I will collect these like pieces of lego to build a beautiful life full of positivity which I will share with each and everyone I come across.

As we end 2021, I hold onto my Legos of love and peace and let go of the aches.

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