Fear not my Child… by Kim Michelle Hewitt

Lemon cake was Patunia’s favourite and Proteas certainly always made her smile. The way that each individual part of the flower is formed to perfection and how it fits in and yet seems too advanced for this world somehow. She greeted her friend with glee. Lia was handing out small gifts to all her friends, […]

YES, I CAN by Karin Kelly Lawrenz

When I read the excerpt below my article, I was intuitively drawn to share about not giving up. About 7 years ago, I lost everything, materialistically and on a personal level. In my case I had a brain tumour and did not know I had this tennis ball housing itself in my head, without paying […]

Re-Parent your Inner Child – by Karin Kelly Lawrenz

Karin Kelly Lawrenze, Transformation Coach.
Karin has spent the past decade coaching, mentoring, motivating people and executives. Her practical, no-nonsense advice and life strategies provide tangible results and skills that help people push through the everyday challenges we all face in life, work, and love.


selective focus of blue-eyed person

Hello everyone. Thank you for allowing me to write about my on-going adventure called awakening. I’ve recently been experiencing smells. No matter where I go I’m always smelling perfumes and men’s fragrances and it happens randomly in people’s houses. So besides the fact that I feel the pain and struggles going on in people’s lives […]

Shining Light on What is Dark

man holding lighted gas lantern

Everyone speaks about the light, giving little reference to darkness – or that which haunts you. It comes as a gift to us, beautifully packaged but unopened. What deters us is the fear of the contents, also known as TRAUMA. To identify Trauma, you have to peel away layers and layers of addiction, fear, abuse, […]