7 years and still going strong

black and white bird illustration

7 years ago, I followed a dream and was guided to start an Holistic Fayre in the Northern Suburbs. Little did I know where I would be guided and the events that would follow. In July 2007 we opened our doors for the first time in Durbanville. Exciting times lay ahead. Twenty Exhibitors signed up, […]

How the Angels Guided me

We all sometimes procrastinate and we all at some stage of our lives receive urgent bills that require your immediate attention. Well, that is where I found myself in April 2006.  Remember, I was guided  by the Angels to start an Holistic Fayre in the Northern Suburbs, but so far I had done nothing. Then […]

History of About Holistic

How time flies! It feels like just yesterday when we opened our doors for the first time in the Northern Suburbs. In February 2006, I was guided to start the Holistic Fayre in the Northern Suburbs.  This made me very nervous indeed, but guided by the Angels, I found the perfect venue.  July 2006 saw […]