The Holistic Fayre, Bothasig is turning 8, on 12 July 2014

The shortest distance between two people is a smile Swap out your battered and beaten day at the Shopping Centre with an indulging day of warm hospitality and effortless chatting amidst interesting and exciting stalls. Perhaps you’d like to visit a Reader for a peep into what the future might say…. We have a great […]

7th Birthday Photos

Our 7th Birthday was a roaring Success!  Thanks to You that made this possible.  Here are a few selected photos, for a full view of all photos, please view our Facebook Group Mariechen blowing bubbles

Energy of Number 6

The number 6 vibrates to the energies of ownership, possessions and material wealth, love of home and family, care of others and nurturing, empathy and sympathy, responsibility and selflessness, provision and providing for the self and others. Number 6 signifies the need for stability in all aspects of your life. The message of Number 6 […]

History of About Holistic

How time flies! It feels like just yesterday when we opened our doors for the first time in the Northern Suburbs. In February 2006, I was guided to start the Holistic Fayre in the Northern Suburbs.  This made me very nervous indeed, but guided by the Angels, I found the perfect venue.  July 2006 saw […]