Cleanse new crystals straightaway, particularly if you intend to use them for healing. Cleansing is not a physical process – rather it is a spiritual ritual. In esoteric terms, crystals absorb and retransmit all energies with which they come into contact. In healing, crystals become receptive to emotional energies.

Cleansing your crystal back to a neutral state ensures that accumulated negative energies are not passed on. This process also re-energises the crystal and ensures that it functions at its highest level.

Let your intuition be your guided: keep the intention in mind that you are clearing away all inappropriate energies and that you are working with purity of purpose.

The following are some different ways to cleanse, purify, re-energise and tune your crystals. Please note that as some crystals are sensitive to heat, light and/or water, not all methods will be suitable for all crystals.

Cleansing with Water – Cleanse your crystals by holding them under cool running water, such as an ordinary bathroom tap for several minutes. As you do so, think about a beautiful waterfall you have seen of visited. Or imagine the waves lapping over your crystal on a tropical beach.
Note: Do not do this ritual with Halite, Selenite, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite or Turquoise as these crystals are sensitive to water.

Stone Clearing and Crystal Clusters– Some stones will clear the negative or unwanted energies from other stones. The best all round crystal for this is Clear Quartz. Place the stone to be cleared on a the “clearing” stone, and leave for 24 hours. Amethyst Bed can also be used- use a large piece, or bed, of Amethyst to cleanse several crystals at once. Amethyst is said to transmute lower energies into the higher frequencies of both the spiritual and ethereal worlds, thereby transforming whatever is placed on it. Leave your crystals on the Amethyst Bed for 24 hours.

Earth Burial – Crystal have come form the Earth. You can bury your crystals in the ground (do remember to mark where you have buried them!). The Earth has a natural magnetic quality which will draw off negativity. Leave your crystals in the Earth for 24 hours.

Resonating Sound – The vibrations of pure sound can quickly cleanse crystals. Purify your crystals with the resonating sound of a bell you love. You can cleanse and purify a roomful of crystals by ringing the bell above them, but the best way is to purify crystals one at a time. Perform this ritual for a few minutes. Another very effective and quick way to cleanse your crystals is by using a singing bowl.

Smudging – Smudge your crystals by burning a wedge of dried herbs and waving the smoke over and through them – proprietary “Smudge Sticks” are perfect for this ritual. You can use smudging to purify a roomful of crystals. Perform this ritual for a 5 minutes. incense can also be used.

Sunlight and Moonlight – Light is the essential currency of crystal healing so re-energise your water-cleansed crystals in sunlight and moonlight for 24 hours – the time of the Full Moon is perfect for this. Your crystals need a day of sunlight and a night of moonlight to re-energise.

It is important to tune your crystals directly after cleansing, purifying and dedicating. Remain in a relaxed alert state. Hold your crystal in one hand and place your other hand over it. Visualise an energy connection between you and the crystal (for example, a ray of white light). Decide on the crystal’s purpose and then say out loud “I intend this crystal to be an effective tool for … (e.g. healing, mediation, dream interpretation

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