High above the maddening crowds of life, the tightrope walker gingerly walks,
Delicately balancing his body, his mind, energy, thoughts, feelings and emotions,
He has to maintain his balance or he will lean, tilt off balance and fall to his death,
So he remains calm, focused, centred – paying full attention to his every action.
He balances his head and his heart, staying as close to centre as he can,
He balances his intellect with his emotions, his thoughts and his feelings,
He balances his left-brain and his right-brain, his logic and his intuition,
He balances his mind, thoughts, logic with his feelings, emotions, heart, intuition.
He balances his will and his power with his love, tenderness and compassion,
He balances his desires and needs, with the desires and needs of others,
He balances his longing for control, with his need for independence and freedom,
He balances all of his polarities, all of his extremes, all of his aspects, his parts.
Walking the tightrope, remaining in balance is not easy, however it is a challenge,
A very noble worthy challenge few can do, and fewer still can do well, or master,
Only a rare few dare to walk life in balance, peace, harmony, joy and happiness,
Only a rare few dare to keep their mind and heart open, feeling, staying present.
So I take another deep breath, outstretch my arms even wider, feeling, sensing,
Seeking to stay present in my body, alive, alert, awake, listening, feeling, sensing,
And as I walk, I feel my own body, the rope, the pulse of life and of the Universe,
I feel my heart and my soul calling to me, to live life fully – in love, in compassion.
Each day I walk this tightrope, dong my best to learn, change, grow and evolve,
Each and everyday I risk a little more, learn a little more, balance a little better,
As I risk and learn, I remain open, receptive, vulnerable, feeling, sensing, living,
Sometimes I come close to losing my balance and falling, yet my soul saves me.
Thankfully I am paying attention, learning to be more open, aware, sensitive,
I’m learning not to judge, beat myself up, condemn myself or seek perfection,
Each day I do my best to maintain this delicate balance – to seek my centre,
To seek the truth of who I am, to give my best to myself, and to this world!
Every time I lean too much to the right, or too much to the left, I catch myself,
Returning as best I can to my centre, to balance, peace, love and harmony,
This takes constant awareness, supreme commitment, sensitivity and more,
Yet as each day passes, I can see, I can feel how much I am growing, evolving.
Yes, I can still laugh, and play, and create, and dance, and still live life fully,
However there is an inner calling within me to be more, to become more,
This inner calling is for peace, harmony, balance, sensitivity, awareness,
To connect with myself, others, to maintain a balance, to walk the tightrope well!