Written by Kim Hewitt
Trusting your gut or intuition sounds like the right thing to do, then why is it we don’t listen sometimes?
There may be times when we don’t trust ourselves or times, we give the person or situation the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes we are connected to the situation for a reason, to find the gift, the blessing or lesson in the situation and change or shift accordingly.
As energies intensify over this period of time you may need to find clarity in situations. Sometimes clarity does not ask for actual change or action, but just a shift in perspective.
Trust your feelings, this is your navigations system.
It’s a time for purging, releasing and understanding. Clear space, declutter, open the doorways of your heart space. Allow green clear energy to flow, through you and from you to others and to your situations.
Set those intentions before you leave your home or before you enter a situation. Let loving green and white energy flow from your heart space and go before you.
When making decisions, notice again how it makes you feel. Travel more lightly through this 2022. You can do it by thinking beyond your comfort zone, knowing that you came here to co-create and see your own manifestations.
Be brave, be bold, put on your armour of courage but most of all be who you are.
Add your uniqueness to the world.
Your Higher Self is always calling, asking you to step graceful into you full role and into you power.
It’s asking you gently, to be true to you, to find what makes you joyful and to live life as an adventure.
Will you answer the call?
Time is what you have been given, it is an asset, it is your gift.
There are times when we wish it away hoping a situation will pass by quickly. There are times when we wish it would never pass.
Think about your time and how you are using it to your best advantage.
Looking back over time, always reminds us to stay as present as we can, to really do take so much notice of all the good times and bring each of your moments to life. As you concentrate on the good times, you offer this desire to the universe and if you politely step out of your own way, the universe will deliver.
All things in the manifested reality, first come from imagination, thought, attention, intention and so on. Make time for that step to be clear and precise.
Make it a daily practice to be present with yourself. Be kind to yourself, offer yourself words of kindness and speak gently and lovingly to yourself and about yourself to others. From this ‘better feeling place’ you can act with more understanding and clarity. You are able to offer value and feel valued.
How are you spending your gift of time?
Take time. Notice how you feel. Trust your gut, your intuition. Be kind to yourself. Learn to be your own best friend. Act with grace. One step at a time.
You are always loved.
Be blessed
Kim Hewitt