A Tincture for the Soul

There are times when we all feel like we want the world to stop for a moment, just so we can breathe again, think again, feel again – without watching……………….

Macro vs Micro – Global Dust Bunnies

Micro and macro, the small and the big of it. Very often the world we live in mirrors the world within. The world (macro) we are living in now is a hive of ………..


When the world outside our consciousness feels too heavy to bear, from pain or anxiety and even through anger, we tend to hold our breath as if awaiting on external forces to reset the situation. In that moment, without conscious thought we are actually holding on, holding in, and holding fast to the very thing that is …………….

Beltane Blessings

Written by Vanessa Anderson

The rhythm of life, our life, woven closely to the changing of the …………..

Ebb and Flow of Life by Vanessa Anderson

In the beginning we were connected, rooted within communities in which every member of that society had a purpose, a place and a gift it honoured its collective membership with. There were the protectors, the teachers, the gatherers and the collectors of truth and all were welcomed at the feast and each had their story to share, the old and the young alike and those who wove words threaded a fabric that clothed their past and guided the path to come.