Working for the Great Healer

Have you been injected? A month or two ago I would have wanted to know, but now my question is: Does …………….

A Tincture for the Soul

There are times when we all feel like we want the world to stop for a moment, just so we can breathe again, think again, feel again – without watching……………….

Creating Gratitude by Elsabe Smit

Is it possible to create gratitude rather than just feel it momentarily? Yes, it is. Let me explain. The Universe is in complete balance – from the largest global pandemic to the smallest sub-atomic particle. That is how everything was created. We tend to forget about this incredibly beautiful balance when we get stuck in […]

Shining Light on What is Dark

man holding lighted gas lantern

Everyone speaks about the light, giving little reference to darkness – or that which haunts you. It comes as a gift to us, beautifully packaged but unopened. What deters us is the fear of the contents, also known as TRAUMA. To identify Trauma, you have to peel away layers and layers of addiction, fear, abuse, […]