Astrology Readings for New Year 2022

As we close our eyes and say goodbye to 2021, there are a few colourful themes we are taking into our 2022 New Year Saturn square Uranus has been a prominent energy in 2021, this will carry into 2022, with one last peak in the third quarter.

Welcome to the Age of Aquarius (Part 1) by Elsabe Smit

Guess what? We are right inside the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. But what does it mean?
The constellations change to a new zodiac sign roughly every 2 150 years. The dawning of the Age of Aquarius indicates that we have been coming out of the Age of Pisces, and we are now entering the new Age of Aquarius.
Did this happen in March 2020? Or before that? Or even in the previous century? Apparently, astrologers ….. (Read more)