Written by Elsabe Smit
I am sure everyone who is reading this article cannot wait for the new dawn to arrive.
Of course, we all are ready – aren’t we? We are looking forward to a world of peace and harmony where there is food and shelter for everyone, and where there are no wars.
Nobody will argue that it is time for humanity to enter this beautiful new world, and the sooner the better.
I will argue that – based on numerous psychic readings where my clients have done everything they needed to do to prepare for a beautiful relationship/new job/peace in the family and many other things. I have stopped counting the number of times where I told them that it is not about time, but about timing.
Let me explain what that means, with an extract from my book Following a Spiritual Path: Recovering from Religion Vol 1.
“So, what is time? Is it a frozen moment on the clock?
Is it something between the start and end of an experience, which will make time linear?
Compare a minute of meditation to a minute of someone yelling at you – which minute is the longest?
Such an experience will create the impression of linear time, but that is because you add the person’s experience to the definition.
Or is time circular, like the seasons, or a clock? This would imply that time is circular and therefore unending. However, there is an end to one season which is the beginning of the next season (even if you cannot pinpoint the exact moment where one season turns into the next).
Or maybe time is the measurement between the start and the end of change. If this is the case, then if we cannot see any change, there is no time. But what if one person can see change, and another says there was no change? And when do things ever completely stop changing? Does that sound right?
It makes more and more sense to say that time is NOT separate from space. The time-space continuum consists of length, width, height, and time. If you look at your life, then some experiences stand out more in your memory than other times – which makes this continuum credible.
There is a beautiful Arab proverb from the 12th century: Man fears time, but time fears the pyramids.
Let me explain this proverb. Time – especially linear time – is a construct that makes this life and this world easier for us to understand. It gives us a frame of reference and helps us to understand cause and effect.
However, life is not about getting the past, present, and future into neat little rows. Life is about having experiences and about gaining wisdom. Time is one tool that helps us create experiences.
We spend too much time pondering on the past. We experience guilt, regret, and other emotions about things we cannot change. We are concerned about the future which has not happened yet, and which always turns out to be quite manageable once we get to the future we feared. We spend too much time panicking about what is still coming when the future is a combination of destiny (which you cannot do anything about) and creation (you consciously create with your thoughts and are in charge of those thoughts all the time). All this focus on the past and future prevents us from enjoying the moment.
The pyramids that are referred to in the proverb represent what is far bigger, deeper, and more powerful than anything on earth, including time. The pyramids represent extraordinarily strong energy and reminders of the presence of another civilisation. The origin of the pyramids is a mystery that we will probably not resolve in this life. The proverb reminds us that we need to spend more time respecting what is represented by the pyramids, and less time panicking about time and the future.
The pyramids are older than human memory. They represent a history that is part of who we are today. They contain miracles – how were they built and why? The pyramids represent magic and remind us that we are specks in the history of this planet.”
If we cannot even have a single definition of time, we fool ourselves into waiting for the perfect time for things to happen. This is why I prefer not to give timelines in my psychic readings. It is not about time.
Then what is all this about? When will things really start to happen for us?
It is all about timing – when everyone is ready for what needs to happen.
Are you sure that all your family and friends are ready for our beautiful new world? I am fairly sure the answer is “no – and there is nothing I can do about it”.
Yes, there is something you can do about it.
Live your life every day as if you are already in this beautiful new world of peace and abundance. If you have emotional issues to deal with, now is a good time. If you are one of those people baying for the blood of the culprits that got us into this mess, you are not ready, and the timing is not right. You still need to learn that it is not for us to judge, but for us to go inside every day and deal with our own issues.
If you are waiting for the promised abundance to come your way while you still have a poverty mindset, then the timing is not right. You need to get to think abundance every moment of your day – and that does not mean maxing out your credit card hoping that it will be wiped clean by miracle. Abundance is not only about money. Abundance is about appreciating and being grateful for every single person and item in our lives. Are you there yet?
Some people will spend another lifetime working towards the perfect timing for our beautiful new world. However, many people who have become aware of the evil in this world, have also discovered a massive resource of empathy and righteousness inside of themselves. Are you also aware of how “awake” people help their neighbours more than ever before? Are you one of them? Or are you still waiting for a saviour to come and help you, or for politicians to do what we expect them to do? Which time will be the longest – waiting for that pothole to be filled, or galvanizing your neighbours to fill not only that pothole but every other pothole insight?
And all this is only on an individual level.
Now imagine getting groups of people to be ready for our beautiful new world. Will religious or political groups simply agree to put the division aside? Will the medical or legal or educational fraternity accept overnight that just about everything they believe in is built on clay and crumbling more and more every day?
No matter how ready you are, we live in a world where most people need to be ready for the change – that is timing rather than time.
Once we have reached that majority, it is not simply a matter of having had a change of heart. We also need a change of mind – which includes taking responsibility for everything in our new world, rather than only for my little patch, so that I can blame you for not looking after your patch.
We are moving into a new world with more individual responsibility than we have ever had before. Now, are you ready? It is all about timing, not about time.
Yes I agree. We have to be ready for changes that we desire. Timing is important. Thank you for the insight. Beautifully written.
Timing is everything.