Every once in a while, the issue of ‘abundance’ surfaces: money worries; job transitions leave them with money hopes and fears; etc etc etc.
Money, wealth, abundance, fear of not having enough indicates a root chakra imbalance.
Once this chakra has been brought into balance it is easier to address higher level chakras right after that.
There are many ways to heal the root chakra. Here are some insights about how to use crystals to stimulate abundance and wealth and rebalance the belief system on related issues.
There is a huge selection of gemstones and crystals that can help you attract prosperity.
Let me introduce them to you one by one, as each has a different set of qualities.
First, allow me to describe how to use them
- First step is clarify your intention. Ask yourself what is this grid for? Sit quietly for a moment. Find your center or that quiet place where you are completely focused and still. Be as specific and clear on your intention as you can be. Remember, the grid will be a tool to amplify these thoughts, feelings and/or intents, so you want to state your intention with absolute clarity.
- The second step is to choose the location where the grid is going to be held.
- Third is to clear that place and yourself from any negative energy that might be in that location. You may burn incense or sage to smudge the area, go around with a bell or singing bowl, or use another cleansing technique.
- The fourth step is to make a grid. A grid helps you focus your intention using the energy of crystals to amplify and manifest that intention. Consider where you are going to locate your grid as you would like your grid to stay intact for a while, undisturbed. There is no right or wrong way. Size and number or stones is up to you. Leave some space between stones. If they roll off, consider that perhaps they are moving to a better position! Follow your instinct. A thought for consideration: use the Rose Quartz as the center stone if you wish to imbue the environment with overall abundance energies.
- The fifth step, once the grid is set up to your liking, is to activate the grid by using a quartz wand and point to the central crystal and then out to each crystal in the grid. Go in one direction, and hold the perfect vision of what you want while you are doing this, not allowing any negative thought come into the process.